Snakey Jack was born 1985. After a couple of years in Cello education, he began to play guitar.
With the age of 16 he stopped playing acoustic instruments and started to spin records.
The more hours he spent behind the turntables, the more he was able to improve his
mixing skills.
First little bookings followed soon. He was invited to play in the club landscape
of St. Gallen (Stadt- & Elektrokeller), Tresor-Club Winterthur, Tantra-Bar Ibiza, Etzel-Lounge Zürich,
Hale-Bopp Gossau and X-Club Basel. He had also the chance to
present his music on air at different radio shows on
By the time he began to look for different styles in electronic music. He started to
play Break-Beatz. The upcoming Electro House scene finally led him to the more classical
house music - his real passion until now.
In 2007 he moved to Zurich, where he started an education as Audio Engineer. With the
knowledge about basics of music production he got there, he began to produce his own
sounds and grooves.
At the moment he is still learning for his degree in recording arts and improving his producing
skills. |