°born: italian part of switzerland °school: geneva °today: zurich °dad: musician °mum: disco dancer °1st concert i've been to: new order in usa °1st clubbing experience: late 80s, aciiiid house party °1st party organized: early 90s, bionic buro in tunnels & fabriks with geneva djs posse °1st mix: 1994 on a boat °1st live: closing festival of dachkantine in february 06 under the name of stiletta °before year 2000: detroit, drum&bass, electro, downtempo °and now?: underground selections of techno, chill out and experimental music °where: dachkantine, zukunft, vision festival, vmf, stern radio, piping, weetamix, roshtofflager, lethargy, fusion, robert johnson, douala, mhz (pristina), minimo (buenos aires) ... °and: 1997 >coda magazin swiss edition 1997-2000 >express fanzine magazine 1997-2002 >sub6 collectiv 1998-2002 > internet radio >2003-now internet radio scandal! show with eli verveine & anne air. organizing party in zukunft and bookings for barbarella nights in longstreet bar.
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electronic to instumental musics
les belles de nuit

Apr 10th 2020
les belles de nuit
Music against Corona
Nov 8th 2015
les belles de nuit
gender bender
Nov 8th 2015
les belles de nuit
gender bender
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